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Miss Fernande displayed ample cleavage and full frontal nudity, and her pictures were cherished by soldiers on both sides of the First World War conflict.

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Prior to World War II, Vargas Girls were praised for their beauty and less focus was on their sexuality. However, during the war, the drawings transformed into women playing dress-up in military drag and drawn in seductive manners, like that of a child playing with a doll.[10] Vargas Girls became so popular that from 1942 to site 1946, owing to a high volume of military demand, "9 million copies of the magazine-without adverts and free of charge was sent to American troops stationed overseas and in domestic bases."[11] The Vargas Girls were adapted as nose art on many World War II bomber and fighter aircraft; Generally, they were not seen negatively or as prostitutes, but mostly as inspiring female patriots that were helpful for good luck.[12]

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